Saturday, July 26, 2008

Riddles ~~~~~

Some riddles to crack your head with -
1. What goes around the house but never touches it?
2. What always goes to bed in shoes?
3. What questions can a stupid boy answer?
4. Paul is an assistant at a butcher shop. He wears size nine shoes. What does he weigh?
5. A queen bee is buzzing in the hive, same with a honey bee and a worker bee. How many bees were in buzzing?


Coco said...

I'm only absolutely sure about #4 - meat! lol. #5 is 2, I think... I hv no idea what the rest are... Maybe coz it's late n I'm only doing this coz I'm bored. Hahaha.

Coco said...

I'm only absolutely sure about #4 - meat! lol. #5 is 2, I think... I hv no idea what the rest are... Maybe coz it's late n I'm only doing this coz I'm bored. Hahaha.

Edz GorGor said...

try harder please ........ number 4 is correct ... hmmm ... number 4 reminds me of something ... lol

Coco said...

I wonder why I'm doing this... but here goes:

#1 - The Sun
#2 - A Horse
#3 - ??
#4 - As above...
#5 - One! I didn't get that at first... wasn't reading the question right... LOL

So that leaves number 3... what? SIMPLE questions? hahah

Edz GorGor said...

i will give you 3 more days before i post the answer ... hehehhe