Friday, November 2, 2007

Ye Xiang

Quite a funny day at work today, before starting work ... shop a bit at Carrefour and Candy Empire for ideas for the Xmas mocktail. Bought some nougats and sweets for colleagues to munch on.

It was not busy at all tonight at work, which means, am getting sleepy and hungry at times. Luckily got the nougats to chew on. Got a funny call from "Melvin", stating that he/she and the family experienced 'lau sai' after eating .... PRANK!!!!! Melvin .... u know who u r!!!!

Learnt something new today. Let me ask you guys out there ... how many of you actually knows how do you say armpit in mandarin? ---- @*&^!$#%^&)^%$ ---- hahaha .... we were all speechless when we were thrown with that question. My only answer is ' ka-la-di ' ... wahahahah ... malay is ketiak and cantonese is gaa lat dhai ... what the hell is it in mandarin !!!! After all the hassle ... manage to get the answer ... its YE XIANG ... @.@ ... sounds like ye lai xiang .... wahahahhaa .... smelly sia .... At least I learn a new word today. See everyday is a learning day.


ah fun said...

haha... and we all know who Melvin is! hahahaha dumb lar!

yea everyday is a new learning experience. and im glad u learnt something new on that fateful day! hahaha :P

Just Me said...

Aiyah, sometimes ppl just get caught off-guard. So let's not be mean and give ppl a chance. But what prank huh??? *blinks eyes innocently*

Edz GorGor said...

lol .... ye xiang

ah fun said...

chums i can understand how ppl get caught off-guard but melvin is really wayyyyyy offffff lor. and im still wondering y melvin?! hmmms....